Thursday, July 15, 2010

Paintball shooting range

heres some pics of the paintball shooting range we are carrying around the mid west trying to


TRAUMAHEAD SPORTZ has been introducing the sport to hundreds of thousands of potential new players at biker ralleys, fairs, air shows, and summer festivals. We let people shoot TIPPMANN paintball markers at targets in our portable shooting range. The response has been amazing!! The demograph of people who already know something about paintball gets younger every year. Kids as young as 8 see the booth and their jaws drop, its priceless. Every event hundreds ask where they can play locally and want to schedule birthdays and batchelor parties, so its really helping the fields in the areas we go to.
Since the demise of magazines, it seems the industries manufacturers have lost interest in promoting the sport OUTSIDE of the current playing population. We are here to take matters into our own hands and try to get new money coming in to get paintball back on track. What can you do to help PAINTBALL? take a friend out to your local field next weekend!